Home is Where the Hearth is; the Importance of the Kitchen, Part 2

Welcome to part two of our kitchen renovation series; Home is Where the Hearth is. 

Know what style/kind of kitchen you want? Where do you start looking for ideas? A logical start might be to go online and explore all kitchen possibilities. Warning! This could be a bit overwhemling, since the examples seem endless for every kind of home imaginable. the best start might be visiting the local home improvement stores and kitchen design centers. Visiting friends and family who have recenetly remodeled or updated a kitchen is another good source of ideas. When you have some ideas of things you would like in your kitchen, then go and meet with a designer. Usually there are no fees charged for this service at one of the local improvement stores. This is a good way to getyour idea organized and questions anwsered. After this meeting you will have a very different persepctive when looking at kitchen layouts. Getting reay to determine your budget will be the next step. Yes, this whole project has to be paid for in some way. Get ready for part three! 

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