Why your rental experience goes beyond your front door

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018
Miles Jenks

When you’re thinking about renting an apartment, naturally you consider rental price, number of bedrooms, square footage and amenities. But location also figures big in your decision. The neighborhood surrounding your apartment is the locale where you will buy groceries, gas up your car, visit restaurants, dry cleaners, and of course, enjoy the outdoors. You have requirements for that, too. For example, is there a park? A bike trail? Can you bike to work? These are real questions that many renters want answered before they choose their new home.

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By Julie Rowe 

Did you know that the average renter owns around $30,000 in possessions? Think about what you own—of course there’s your clothes, books, TV, DVD’s—computer—the items you use every day. But what if you have cherished family heirlooms, furniture, pictures, jewelry--valuables you might consider precious, even priceless. No one can predict disaster, but anyone can protect him or herself from financial hardship if it occurs.

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The Pluses of Painting

Thursday, November 9th, 2017
Miles Jenks

By Wayne Failoni 

Does your house need painting? It’s smart to plan for it, whether you do it yourself or have it done by a professional. The aesthetics and beauty of your home are important—for your enjoyment, and as a means to attract potential buyers. Because your home’s overall appearance contributes to its perceived condition and value. Another crucial benefit of painting is that it protects windows and wood trim from peeling and deterioration. And that helps prevent long term problems and costly repairs. So, plan in advance for this project. The benefits far outweigh the costs.

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Part 3: The affirmations that bring it all together:

You have determined what you will spend on your new kitchen project and how it will be financed. You know what you can get accomplished for your construction dollars. You have decided that you will hire a contractor to do the work and their fee is in your budget. You have checked the references of your contractor and visited some of the worth they have completed. Your contractor has given you a start and finish date and everything is in writing plus proof of insurance. You are prepared to inspect everything you expect during the construction period until completion.

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By Elena Johnson 

What is your property really worth today? We can help you figure it out by considering some of these influences.

Depending on when you purchased your property, you may have been on a crest of financial circumstances or you may have been in a ditch. For example, if you bought a property in the midst of the 2008 recession and its wake, the property you purchased was most likely sold for a lower amount than what it would now. On the other hand, if you purchased when the market was flowing and growing, your house may be of equal or lesser value now. It’s important to do your research on how the market in your area has changed since your original purchase.

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